10 Years at Enter Gallery...

10 Years At Enter Gallery

It's been a long journey! 10 years ago, I joined Enter Gallery, formerly Art Republic, where I released my first ever print editions.

It's so difficult beginning as an artist (and in some ways I still feel like I'm just getting started). In 2014, after years of countless rejections, Enter was the first gallery to give me a chance and agreed to show my strange drawings on their walls. 

I took part in my first group shows and events there and was able to gradually spend more time creating and growing my practice. Since then, my work has found homes with collectors all round the world, I've shown at fairs internationally and enjoyed my first solo exhibitions in Brighton and London. I'm grateful for these opportunities that firstt began at Enter and am hoping there are many more to come.

Setting up for my Brighton solo show at Enter

To celebrate 10 years since my first prints and 10 years at Enter, I have revisited the infamous Brighton Royal Pavilion as inspiration for a brand new print release.

The new release will be launching on 29th November 2024 as part of the Virtual Art Yard Sale at Enter Gallery. More details coming soon...


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